January 5, 2009

The Barefoot Bandit

Barefoot walker, foot foot foot foot
Barefoot bicyclist, skateboarder
Barefoot fire walker, dancer, jazz musician, stamp collection in an attic
Barefoot trance seeker, card player, panic attacker, cigarette stamp outer, house organizer/ cleaner, daydreamer
Barefoot skipping along a paint line over the cement
Barefoot ice skater (no, thank you, not even if the feet are the metal blades)
Any kind of hurt or heat or nasal-numb roughness is okay but no cold foot allowance!
Barefoot claw-foot bather, yes, while watching a movie on a computer and even if I don't see a single barefoot in the film, there there my love, three feet behind the screen and slightly to the left I watch my steaming red puffy warm foot pressing into the cold whiteness echo wall (cold is good if the feet are very hot), and if I close my eyes I can see the millions of bones that make the thing work and make the bone covering so very punishable.
True ninja, infinite ninja:
Everyone I've ever been close to tells the same story of summer barefoot conditioning, and that prepared us for love but love is also a continuation of the barefoot bashing delirium.