February 19, 2009


she flossed and brushed too much again
her gums are gum
she it E.T.
her body is wet cement stuck to a sweaty bed
this is a hissy toxin sweat
I think of a high school visit to a weird Boston friend
where a glazz guitar broke (its headstock)
her forehead is also primate
she is thick red
she puts a ruler in her mouth
from her back tooth to her front tooth
21 inches
she is almost 30 years old
she has lived in the small cabin house for over a year
but blown candles still smell happy birthday
her legs are 6 sweaty feet long
stretched on the off-white comforter
she thought she'd hurt her toenails
but they had black candle wax stuck to them
her teeth are swords
clean tooth swords, a clenched sword set
that likes to visit the sword collection
at an Edinburgh castle museum
they sent her a postcard
she thinks of one of her first times on pot
with close friends
she thought the weird little cabin house
(not at all her current one)
was a vessel
floating through the sky
so did everyone
the kind of teeth you want to sink into a stale roll
now she sleeps in the roof
it is really like that
when she weighs 5000 pounds
those 5000 pounds are floating
she is old
long in the tooth
one tooth can be 7 feet long
they hollowed out one of her teeth and made it into a canoe
they floated it down the connecticut river
before the settlers arrived
they used their imaginations
it's fun for her to think about the people
concentrating... floating
in the canoe made from her tooth
because it was still in her mouth
and she was somewhere else
she saw her shadow in the future
floating over an altitude sickness meter
it was off the scales
she felt fine
they had built a city on some of her teeth
it was a good city
when the city got tired of being on her teeth
it went away
there's a carbon statue of her teeth
it is made of dust
she brushes it into the stove
it floats out the chimney
it settles on the snow
horses eat it
horse don't brush their teeth