July 1, 2009

Honey Moon

whatever arrow
God's farm gave me
daisies on a string again, again
a futuristic piano sound
my bare back, back
on pavement
beneath the merry-go-round
the catalog of album covers, covers
revealed by airplanes, angels
buzzing over lemon bees, devising
devising an onion set

Have you ever thought, thought
I am a robot, the van
the van is a spy
if we are lucky
this will turn into a bass solo
do you play chess?, Hercules
Hercules lifted my dead body, body
but I was sleeping, sleeping
splintering and cascading
heavy with sick
almost unnoticeably haying
the marshmallow field, the gauzy sheath
the gauzy sheath cannot conceal
Jimi Hendrix flowers, where
destiny always cheats for me
for me
for me
a troupe of monks, measures
measuring me all funny
a family of dirt
walking backwards to not plant weeds, again
something relocates Hell, Hell
spitting slick waterman seeds, polish
polish on a demon tooth
whatever arrow